Channelling Change for the Better

“Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” John C Maxwell When dealing with changes that we fear or dislike, we first need to recognise this response, and what’s driving it, in order to allow clear decision making. The first step to making change feel more comfortable is to choose a positive, resourceful mindset.

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The gift of less Christmas stress

This article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Christmas is around the corner, and both work and life pressures may be mounting as a result. Penny Barker offers some advice on how to cope with the additional stresses the festive period can bring.

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Making some time for self-care

This article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. If a veterinary professional were presented with an animal which had not eaten, drunk, moved or slept, the understandable reaction would be concern. Yet all too often those same professionals do not take care to ensure they are doing each of those things. Here, Kirsty Sturman looks at the critical importance of self-care.

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Avoiding the Self-care Bear Traps

This article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Good self-care intentions can often crumble when it’s Monday morning again and you find yourself in the hustle and bustle of practice. So…

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The Challenge of Change

Key takeaways from our July webinar 'The Challenge of Change'.

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Charge towards the positive

This article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Need a little inspiration on how to tap into those positive emotions? Penny Barker offers five quick exercises which can help push you towards the positive.

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